Yap, Z., Summers, S., Grant, A., Moseley, G., & Karran, E. (2021). The role of the social determinants of health in outcomes of surgery for low back pain. A systematic review and narrative synthesis. The Spine Journal. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2021.11.013

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In order to support behavior change, clinicians should focus on building intrinsic motivation, promote and honor patient autonomy, increase feeling of competence, and increase social support. Positive psychology and motivational interviewing are two tools clinicians can use to support behavior change.

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According the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), behavior change happens over a five-stage process linked to readiness to change. Understanding what motivates patient to change is another key element to behavior change. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) suggests that motivation exists on a continuum going from amotivation (a reduction in the motivation to initiate or persist in behavior change), to extrinsic motivation, to intrinsic motivation.

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Clinicians involved in musculoskeletal care have the opportunity to create behavior change in their patients to reduce the burden of their disorders and to promote self-management strategies. In order to achieve such changes, clinicians need to shift paradigm from a disorder fixer mindset to a health coaching function.

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