Dispositionalism in Musculoskeletal Care

The aim of this book is to discuss contextual factors and the mechanisms at play during the management of musculoskeletal disorders. Knowledge and understanding of these factors can help clinicians to better understand their patients, themselves, and the interactions taking place during patient-clinician exchanges. The awareness of these dispositions can help physicians improve themselves and the care they deliver to patients, leading to a true patient-centered collaborative therapeutic alliance. Physician-patient collaboration is, in turn, associated with better patient adherence and outcomes, and care, delivered in a positive context, produces better outcomes.

Dispositionalism in Musculoskeletal Care provides a comprehensive understanding of the dispositionalism model of care and the tools that can be readily applied in the implementation of the model.

" I have been in pain research for nearly 25 years and this treatise is by far the most relevant and valuable for clinicians and patients. It will redefine pain management and millions of patients will owe their recovery in part to this masterful publication."

- Dr. Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, Dean of Research, Professor Emeritus, Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiology, Logan University

"Great work; I truly liked it. The book brings the different concepts and constructs really nicely together." 

- PD Dr.med Petra Schweinhardt, PhD, Head of Research, Department of Chiropractic Medicine, University of Zurich



The aim of this book is to discuss contextual factors and the mechanisms at play during the management of musculoskeletal disorders. Knowledge and understanding of these factors can help clinicians to better understand their patients, themselves, and the interactions taking place during patient-clinician exchanges. The awareness of these dispositions can help physicians improve themselves and the care... Read More »




“The experts in pain are the patients.” Chiropractor, lecturer, expert federal chiropractic examiner, and supervising clinician, Michael Vianin (MSc, DC), is committed to ensuring clinicians and other healthcare professionals involved in the management of musculoskeletal disorders and pain syndromes have access to practical tools allowing them to apply a dispositionalism model of musculoskeletal... Read More »



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